Flower Bouquet 6" x 6"


This delightful piece of glass wall art is a breath of fresh air, evoking the charm and beauty of a vibrant flower bouquet. The art features an array of colorful glass flowers, each cluster blossoming in vivid reds, oranges, yellows, and greens, set against a clear backdrop that allows the colors to pop and shimmer with life. The flowers are connected by delicate green stems and leaves, creating a whimsical garden that seems to grow right out of the wall.

Why this is a must-have: Not only is this floral glass artwork a visually stunning addition to any room, but it also brings the everlasting allure of a flower bouquet without the need for water or maintenance. It's a cheerful and uplifting piece that can brighten up a living room, bedroom, or even a workspace, providing a pop of color and a touch of nature's beauty year-round. This art piece is perfect for those who appreciate the aesthetic of flowers but prefer a long-lasting, allergy-free alternative to fresh blooms. Great gift for a cubicle or small office space as well.

Artist: Nancy Marks

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